Logistics History and Speculation

Transportation Models | Logistics History and Speculation | Shipping

Why your transportation management strategy is failing and what to do about it

Summer is nearly here, bringing with it the hopes for vacations, spending time with family, and business growth. Now, the freight market has been in t...

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Transportation Models | Logistics History and Speculation | Shipping

Advantages of managed transportation in today's connected world

Do you remember when logistics was simpler, when your grandfather only had one person to call for transportation? Let’s call that person Bob, and he w...

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Logistics Management | Logistics History and Speculation | Trucking

Long hours, isolation, and urban legends

Truck drivers have tough jobs. They transport goods, many critical to survival, over great distances on tight, inflexible time schedules while remaini...

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Transportation Models | Logistics History and Speculation | Shipping

The design failures that led to today’s colossal container ships, and why you won’t see larger ships in the future

Revolutionary ship design: historical failures and future aspirations Picture the Ever Ace -- the largest container ship in the world, carrying 21,710...

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Logistics History and Speculation | Supply Chain Management | Business Intelligence

Cybersecurity, piracy, and the element of surprise

You know how some of IL2000’s blog posts get straight to the point while others take their time? This second blog post in our cybersecurity series fal...

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Logistics Management | Pricing | Transportation Models | Logistics History and Speculation | Freight Costs

How to resolve freight charge disputes without going nuclear

Shipping goods from point A to point B is critical for managing supply chains, meeting market demands and, yes, even detecting incoming bombers during...

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Logistics Management | Transportation Models | Logistics History and Speculation | Supply Chain Management

The changing tide of port congestion and supply chains

The question on everyone’s mind is, when will supply chains return to normal? Some critics argue it won’t, that “normal” is gone. The world has perman...

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Entrepreneurial Spirit | Logistics History and Speculation | Supply Chain Management | Business Intelligence

Logistics on Mars

It is the year 2055. It has been a tempestuous few decades for the human species. Supply chains have waxed and waned. Artificial intelligence has brea...

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Logistics Management | Entrepreneurial Spirit | Supply Chain | Market Recession | Retail | History of Supply Chain | Logistics History and Speculation | Silicon Chip Shortage | Supply Chain Management

A tale of empty shelf panic, pandemics, and life or death supply chains

A man stumbles out of a dense rainforest into a village clearing. He sways on his feet, sinking to his knees as another bout of trembling crashes over...

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Logistics Management | Case Studies | Entrepreneurial Spirit | Supply Chain | Distributor | History of Supply Chain | Logistics History and Speculation | On-Time Delivery | Freight Costs

When big things come in big packages

New York City Harbor. 1885. June 17th … about 6:30 pm. With your time machine safely concealed in an alley under an old paint-splattered tarp, you sit...

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Logistics Management | Pricing Strategy | Entrepreneurial Spirit | Supply Chain | Market Recession | Transportation Models | Logistics History and Speculation | Supply Chain Management | Freight Costs | Business Intelligence

Us, Them ... and the Great Unknown

This week, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) proposed a new set of rules to standardize how publicly traded companies disclose climate-rela...

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Logistics Management | Supply Chain | History of Supply Chain | Logistics History and Speculation

The coffee supply chain and the importance of big steel boxes

Four in five people reading this article will have a steaming cup of coffee within easy reach. Now this, admittedly, is an entirely made-up statistic....

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