
Distributor | Transportation Models | Supply Chain Management | Freight Costs | Business Intelligence

That magical point of supply chain contact - Part II

Part II Welcome to part two of our blog series about how IL2000 can help you make big logistics outcomes happen with a comparatively small but hyper-e...

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Distributor | Warehousing | Supply Chain Management

The best antidote for cloudy winter skies is clear logistics planning

Logisticians speak endlessly about time and organization. Rock up to any supply chain management conference, and you’ll see a sea of earnest-looking i...

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Distributor | Freight Costs | Business Intelligence

Gain advantage with a supply chain center of gravity analysis

Picture two rival paper manufacturing companies. They’re based in the same city. Both businesses have a nationwide customer base. They’re roughly the ...

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Logistics Management | Distributor | History of Supply Chain | Supply Chain Management | Freight Costs | Procurement

Incoterms: Clunky word, important concept

In the early 1800s, the world was starting to see its first real glimmer of a structured, regulated international economy. Fueled by the British Empir...

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Logistics Management | Case Studies | Entrepreneurial Spirit | Supply Chain | Distributor | History of Supply Chain | Logistics History and Speculation | On-Time Delivery | Freight Costs

When big things come in big packages

New York City Harbor. 1885. June 17th … about 6:30 pm. With your time machine safely concealed in an alley under an old paint-splattered tarp, you sit...

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Logistics Management | Entrepreneurial Spirit | Supply Chain | Pricing | Distributor | Business Intelligence

How we help businesses ship difficult products

Construction materials that are hard to move and require special handling pose unique supply chain challenges. First, you have training to contend wit...

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Logistics Management | Entrepreneurial Spirit | Supply Chain | Distributor | Transportation Models

Unboxing the packaging industry

In just a few years, packaging will likely be unrecognizable from what it is today. The industry has seen aggressive R&D investment in flexible, e...

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Logistics Management | Supply Chain | Market Recession | Distributor

Procurement and logistics of building materials and products

“Disruptive technologies, product innovation, and digitization will transform the building-products industry. Incumbents can protect themselves by tra...

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Supply Chain | Pricing | Wholesaler | Market Recession | Distributor | Dropshipping | Inventory | Warehousing | Transportation Models

Wholesailing through the logistics crisis

Many companies feel helpless to navigate through the uncharted waters of a global pandemic and unprecedented disruption in the supply chain. What used...

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