History of Supply Chain

History of Supply Chain | Supply Chain Management | SME (Subject Matter Expert)

Rare sighting: supply chain consultants

If we consider a consultant as someone who advises decision-makers, they have been around since the dawn of antiquity – Marco Polo, Colbert, Hamilton,...

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Logistics Management | Distributor | History of Supply Chain | Supply Chain Management | Freight Costs | Procurement

Incoterms: Clunky word, important concept

In the early 1800s, the world was starting to see its first real glimmer of a structured, regulated international economy. Fueled by the British Empir...

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Logistics Management | History of Supply Chain | Supply Chain Management | 3PL | Business Intelligence

Resignations killing your logistics operation? IL2000 can help

Burnout, stress and desire for higher pay all contributed to 2021 seeing the highest rate of supply chain manager resignations since 2016. While the A...

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Logistics Management | Entrepreneurial Spirit | Supply Chain | Market Recession | Retail | History of Supply Chain | Logistics History and Speculation | Silicon Chip Shortage | Supply Chain Management

A tale of empty shelf panic, pandemics, and life or death supply chains

A man stumbles out of a dense rainforest into a village clearing. He sways on his feet, sinking to his knees as another bout of trembling crashes over...

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Logistics Management | Case Studies | Entrepreneurial Spirit | Supply Chain | Distributor | History of Supply Chain | Logistics History and Speculation | On-Time Delivery | Freight Costs

When big things come in big packages

New York City Harbor. 1885. June 17th … about 6:30 pm. With your time machine safely concealed in an alley under an old paint-splattered tarp, you sit...

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Logistics Management | DIY | Home Improvement | Retail | History of Supply Chain

Planers, Trolleys and Adjustable Wrenches

No, it’s not a Steve Martin movie. As people spend more time at home during the pandemic, and work-from-home looks like it's here to stay, home renova...

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Logistics Management | Supply Chain | History of Supply Chain | Logistics History and Speculation

The coffee supply chain and the importance of big steel boxes

Four in five people reading this article will have a steaming cup of coffee within easy reach. Now this, admittedly, is an entirely made-up statistic....

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