
Case Studies | Supply Chain Management | Procurement

Situation Files #13: Improving freight carrier utilization through strategic data presentation

How we helped a plastics’ manufacturer enhance freight carrier utilization and reduce cost of shipping services by demonstrating the true manageabilit...

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Logistics Management | Inventory | Warehousing | Procurement | Business Intelligence | Just In Time

Lessons we can learn from the changing lumber industry

When managing your day-to-day freight challenges and struggling to fill customer orders on time, it’s easy to overlook big changes in the market that ...

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Logistics Management | Distributor | History of Supply Chain | Supply Chain Management | Freight Costs | Procurement

Incoterms: Clunky word, important concept

In the early 1800s, the world was starting to see its first real glimmer of a structured, regulated international economy. Fueled by the British Empir...

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Logistics Management | Supply Chain | Supply Chain Management | Consumer Goods | Procurement

The handshake between Procurement and Supply Chain Management

Shortage, disruption, shock – three modifiers of today’s supply chain. Only a company with crafty purchasing and secure supply chain management will f...

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