Freight data

Logistics Management | Transportation Models | Business Intelligence | Freight data | Supply Chain Optimization

Why failure to outsource FAP is killing your profit margins and how to stop it!

Following the e-commerce boom and endless disruptions in logistics, internal resources are stretched thinner than ever. Managing freight audit and pay...

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Logistics Management | Transportation Models | Business Intelligence | Freight data | Supply Chain Optimization

Is auditing freight bills worth it? Yes, and here’s why

The exact data and statistics vary by source, but errors within invoices are a major problem in today’s supply chain. By some accounts, errors have be...

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Logistics Management | Transportation Models | Business Intelligence | Freight data | Supply Chain Optimization

Freight audit quick tips to avoiding overspend in logistics

Freight costs are among the top burdens companies today face. Across the board, shippers are continuously managing disruptions, trying to maintain a c...

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Logistics Management | Transportation Models | Business Intelligence | Freight data | Supply Chain Optimization

Freight auditing vs settlement and payment: Differences and similarities explained

One cent. Two percent. Three shipments. Four errors. Five… Counting when you aren’t able to compare cold data points is hard. What does a cent have to...

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Logistics Management | Transportation Models | Business Intelligence | Freight data | Supply Chain Optimization

API! 3 ways shippers overcome typical problems in implementing freight analytics solutions

Mrs. Fields is an iconic brand of home baked joy. The real Mrs. Fields was also a pioneer in what would become the future of business—connections betw...

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Business Intelligence | Freight Management Consulting | Data Insights | Freight data | freight analysis | Supply Chain Optimization

6 best practices in logistics optimization you mustn’t live without

I’m just a girl, standing in front of a shipper, asking you to love m…your freight strategy. Well, let’s be honest. We all say that we love our freigh...

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Business Intelligence | Freight Management Consulting | Data Insights | Freight data | freight analysis | Supply Chain Optimization

What is supply chain optimization and why it can't wait

Supply chain evolution–it’s the key to our evolution. It’s what’s changed the world and allowed single-siloed organizations to grow into worldwide beh...

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Business Intelligence | Freight Management Consulting | Data Insights | Freight data | freight analysis | Supply Chain Optimization

Simplifying supply chain complexity: IL2000's business intelligence expertise unveiled

In the ever-evolving landscape of supply chain management, the challenges businesses face are no longer just physically moving freight; they're clarit...

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