Transportation Models (3)

Transportation Models | Supply Chain Management | Freight Costs

International logistics and the strange case of the Orange Horror from the Deep

In the early 1980s, a man was strolling along a remote stretch of beach in Brittany, France. He’d walked this coastline many times across the years. H...

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Entrepreneurial Spirit | Market Recession | Transportation Models | Supply Chain Management

Late deliveries killing your customer satisfaction? Here’s how you can rebuild customer confidence

Ever heard the dreaded question, “Where’s my shipment?” This is a query you just don’t want to hear from a client. Unfortunately, owing to a litany of...

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Logistics Management | Transportation Models | Shipping | Trucking

Don't underestimate Hazmat classification

"Describe what's in the box." That instruction sounds simple and benign. But even a minor omission in the description of the contents can be catastrop...

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Logistics Management | Transportation Models | Freight Costs | Business Intelligence

What would a rail strike have looked like?

On Friday, 16 September, supply chain managers across the US breathed a collective sigh of relief. Labor Secretary Marty Walsh announced that freight ...

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Transportation Models | Logistics History and Speculation | Shipping

The design failures that led to today’s colossal container ships, and why you won’t see larger ships in the future

Revolutionary ship design: historical failures and future aspirations Picture the Ever Ace -- the largest container ship in the world, carrying 21,710...

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Logistics Management | Transportation Models | On-Time Delivery | Freight Costs | Business Intelligence

Burdened by a dedicated fleet of transportation vehicles? We can fix that.

Does your company’s supply chain rely on a dedicated fleet of vehicles? Do you feel locked into that approach, perhaps owing to some taxing combinatio...

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Logistics Management | Pricing | Transportation Models | Logistics History and Speculation | Freight Costs

How to resolve freight charge disputes without going nuclear

Shipping goods from point A to point B is critical for managing supply chains, meeting market demands and, yes, even detecting incoming bombers during...

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Logistics Management | Transportation Models | Logistics History and Speculation | Supply Chain Management

The changing tide of port congestion and supply chains

The question on everyone’s mind is, when will supply chains return to normal? Some critics argue it won’t, that “normal” is gone. The world has perman...

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Transportation Models | Supply Chain Management | On-Time Delivery | Business Intelligence | Just In Time | Rapid Response

JIT Delivery: How to make it work

JIT: Here are three letters that can strike fear into the heart of even the most seasoned supply chain manager. This jittery little acronym refers to ...

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Logistics Management | Supply Chain | Transportation Models | Supply Chain Management | Freight Costs

Freight classification for LTL

What you should know about freight classification and why it’s important. If LTL shipping is even a small part of your supply chain, you’re probably a...

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Logistics Management | Entrepreneurial Spirit | Supply Chain | Transportation Models | Supply Chain Management | Freight Costs

Capacity: Why is it so flingin’ flangin’ hard to get right?

Imagine that you need to ship an item with a carrier. You run the math and estimate a shipping cost of $1000. A week later, the carrier comes back and...

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Logistics Management | Pricing Strategy | Entrepreneurial Spirit | Supply Chain | Market Recession | Transportation Models | Logistics History and Speculation | Supply Chain Management | Freight Costs | Business Intelligence

Us, Them ... and the Great Unknown

This week, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) proposed a new set of rules to standardize how publicly traded companies disclose climate-rela...

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