Integrated Logistics Blog (4)

Logistics Management | Transportation Models | Business Intelligence

Working that truckload magic

Big trucks have been a way of life for as long as most of us can remember. Whether it was pumping your arm as a kid to get a driver to blow his horn, ...

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Logistics Management | Supply Chain Management

The human touch in logistics: why it’s so pivotal

Ever bought an artisanal onion? Or bespoke pants? Or a homemade cake? Your typical, garden-variety human gets on some level that a thing tends to be “...

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Supply Chain Management | Freight Costs | Business Intelligence | LTL

The LTL market is evolving – how to open the door to efficiencies

Supply chains across the US have been in disarray since Yellow Corp announced its bankruptcy in 2023. Unlike the truckload market, which has many, man...

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Entrepreneurial Spirit | Core Values | SME (Subject Matter Expert)

Jernigan: Employee savvy at core of responsive, industrious solutions

Ericka Jernigan, HR and Accounting Manager, explains how attracting and retaining a high-caliber team underlies IL2000's success. “As a business, we d...

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Budgeting | Supply Chain Management | Freight Costs

Planning your 2024 supply chain? Here are some key ideas to consider

We’re just a few short months away from the end of 2023. With the crazy season just around the corner, there’s a good chance that you and your team, r...

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Transportation Models | Supply Chain Management | Core Values | SME (Subject Matter Expert)

Post: Superior TL combines human touch with service-over-price mindset

Jim Post, VP of Truckload Operations and Development, pairs decades of experience with a seasoned logistics team to tailor time-proven solutions. Most...

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Pricing | Transportation Models | Supply Chain Management | Freight Costs

Situation Files #6: Busting counter-productive habits

How we identified two key changes that could save a company $150k per year on freight spend Picture an office partition manufacturer. It’s a lean but ...

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Freight Costs | Business Intelligence | SME (Subject Matter Expert)

Rodriguez on customized freight audits and why they matter

IL2000’s Audit Manager, Nicole Rodrigues, combines a gift for pattern recognition with deep data insight. She’s a key part of IL2000’s industry-leadin...

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Pricing Strategy | Supply Chain Management | Freight Costs | Shipping

Situation Files #4: Taking the sting out of a difficult carrier negotiation

How IL2000’s freight claim negotiation saved a customer $325 on one disputed shipment

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