Logistics Management

Logistics Management | Case Studies | Distributor | Supply Chain Management

How we saved a plastics company over a million a year in combined supply chain savings

SUMMARY The subject of this case study is a mid-sized plastics distributor. Burned by lackluster support from its previous 3PL, this company sought ne...

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Logistics Management | Case Studies | Entrepreneurial Spirit | Supply Chain

A heavy materials manufacturer outgrew its supply chain. Here’s how we fixed it.

SUMMARY A leading office partition manufacturer was losing profit to burgeoning freight costs and risked losing customers to spiraling delivery delays...

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Logistics Management | Case Studies | Supply Chain

Future-proofing a supply chain while turning a profit on freight? Here’s how we did it.

SUMMARY When a fast-growing building products manufacturer saw that their supply chain couldn’t keep up with its rate of growth, they turned to IL2000...

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Logistics Management | Case Studies | Supply Chain | Warehousing

How we helped a company save $500,000 in freight costs

SUMMARY A company that manufactures paints and compounds for the automotive repair industry came to us seeking enhanced reporting tools and better sup...

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Logistics Management | Case Studies | Supply Chain | Transportation Models

Here's how an auto parts manufacturer saved $400k a year on its supply chain

SUMMARY With a handful of household-name automotive giants on its customer list, our client was an enormous auto parts manufacturer managing an unusua...

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Logistics Management | Case Studies | Pricing

Turning freight unpredictability into a 10% profit margin

SUMMARY When freight pricing uncertainty threatened a heavy equipment manufacturer’s profitability, they approached IL2000 for a solution. We built a ...

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Logistics Management | Case Studies

Company cuts freight costs in half and saves millions per year

SUMMARY When our client needed to optimize the manufacture and distribution of office partition and glass wall products, they turned to IL2000 to help...

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