October 13 2022 | 9 Min Read

Five reasons IL2000’s TMS is best in class

Posted By
Wendy Mackenzie
Five reasons IL2000’s TMS is best in class
If you’ve spent some time reading through our case studies, you may have noticed a recurring theme. A company approaches us with a difficult supply chain problem. IL2000 quantifies the problem and mobilizes a team of experts to devise a tailored solution. Then, invariably, we make that solution a practical daily reality using our in-house transportation management system (TMS).

IL2000’s TMS plays a vital role in so much of our work, yet we rarely describe why. So, let’s fix that!

In this blog, we’ll put the spotlight directly on IL2000’s TMS and give you the top five reasons our freight management platform proves such an invaluable tool for so many clients.

1. Our TMS is fully customizable

Some TMS packages (the vast majority, in fact) are preset software packages. Sure, new modules and updates will be rolled out from time to time, but by purchasing this kind of software, you’re committing to a fixed box of preconfigured supply chain tools.

IL2000 designed and developed its TMS platform from the ground up. Nothing about our TMS is set in stone. When we begin working with a client, our team develops a unique TMS product custom-built for how they do business; we’ll build on that platform as their supply chain evolves over time.

Let’s put some practical handles on that.


  • Company A’s reputation was being slammed by late shipments. We built a TMS solution that overhauled carrier selection for their more difficult-to-ship products, giving the company greater control over deliveries.
  •  Company B was losing profits to an inefficient freight operation. We customized our TMS to act as a central conduit for rate negotiation, dramatically boosting their buying power.
  •  Company C’s inbound freight operation was complicated and unreliable. We devised a TMS solution that allowed vendors to ship inbound freight to the company via a streamlined portal. Materials arrived on time; manufacturing efficiency went up.

These are all radically different supply chain solutions. Each draws from unique data sets, user interfaces, and workflows. The versatility of IL2000’s TMS formed a reliable backbone for each solution.

2. Quick, easy shipping

Your TMS is only useful if people in your company actually use it. What gets in the way of that happening? Much of the time, freight managers stop using a poorly designed TMS because it actively slows them down. It captures the data, and spits out reports, but it gets in the way of making the important stuff happen.

A TMS needs to move as fast as your supply chain does, not the other way around. We’ve designed IL2000’s TMS to offer quick and easy shipping processes so supply chain managers can move swiftly from booking to successful shipment.

From within our platform, your supply chain manager can compare rates across multiple carriers, sorting by a range of criteria that make sense for your freight operation. The data is all up-to-the-minute, and no time-consuming phone calls are needed. Once you have your carrier choice locked in, select your departure and destination addresses. IL2000’s TMS will generate a bill of lading and tell you when the carrier’s scheduled to pick it up.


Crucially, you can trigger this process from anywhere. It’s securely cloud-based, and our system works as seamlessly on a smartphone screen as a desktop monitor.

3. Full freight visibility without information overload

You also need to know what’s going on when a shipment leaves your facility. You need to be able to track the shipment and — if necessary — have the option to hunt your freight down if something goes wrong.

IL2000’s TMS gives you a bird’s eye view of your shipment as it travels to its destination. Just log in and click on one of your tracking numbers to get a clear, real-time update on where your shipment is right now and where it’s going next.

If something unexpected happens, you can contact IL2000 directly from the TMS interface. Our rapid response team can begin troubleshooting the issue in under 15 minutes.

4. Improve how you deal with customers

One of the many lessons that the last few years’ supply chain uncertainties have taught us is that, when it comes to customer service, your shipping operation isn’t “over there.” Logistics isn’t out on a limb. It’s a vital part of the customer journey. If something goes wrong with a delivery, it's your reputation that takes the hit, not your carrier’s.

Because our TMS is so customizable, we can integrate its features right into your CRM workflow. Let’s flesh that out with another example.

Let’s say you’re an auto parts manufacturer. A customer wants a large shipment of a component only you and a handful of competitors make. They’re ready to purchase from you now. All they need to know is how much it’ll cost and when it’ll arrive. Great news, right?

There’s a catch though. These parts are heavy, require specialized delivery, and you need to give an accurate delivery quote for a product that’ll leave your facility just over one month from now. The last thing you want to do is keep them waiting, but there are a ton of variables here. Quote too high and you may lose the deal. Quote too low and you may end up losing money.

Using our TMS, your sales team can generate an accurate shipping quote in seconds, straight from their CRM environment. The quote will take your product’s unique delivery requirements into account, along with carrier availability. We can even customize it to accommodate price trends in the freight market.

The end result is a quicker sale and a smoother flow of business between you and your customers.

5. Our unique pricing model

A typical 3PL charges a premium to use its TMS. Why? Because a TMS is its primary product. A conventional 3PL’s profit model is built around selling TMS licenses and keeping you locked into that ecosystem. That doesn’t just mean you spend more for a TMS. It also means your supply chain is under pressure to conform to what the generic TMS is capable of.

We believe that’s a backward approach. IL2000 isn’t a software company. Our business model isn’t predicated on how many TMS licenses we sell, and most importantly, our TMS is not an added extra you purchase on top of our expertise.

Instead, we customize our TMS for your needs. The software is just one part of the unique solution package we implement for you to optimize your supply chain.

Request a demo of IL2000’s TMS today

IL2000’s industry-leading transportation management system can transform your freight operation. Fill out our contact form to schedule a no-obligation demonstration today,


Topics: Logistics Management, Supply Chain Management, Freight Costs

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