July 27 2023 | 9 Min Read

Borovsky nurtures clear communication and intuitive education to foster good practices

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Wendy Mackenzie
Borovsky nurtures clear communication and intuitive education to foster good practices
Liesel Borovsky Info Box

Liesel Borovsky, Director of Client Services, blends positivity, intuition, and an honest desire to help into a winning client services mix.

When Borovsky describes IL2000, she places client services at the heart of the company’s success.

“IL2000 is a third-party logistics company that facilitates between our clients -- typically manufacturers, producers and distributors -- and big freight carriers like FedEx or T-force. We ensure everyone gets the best service. Carriers get freight that fits their network, and clients get better rates and better service.”

Borovsky smiles. “But what we’re really known for is our client servicing. We get it right. Our level of dedication isn’t something you frequently see in the market; we really value our relationships and treat our client’s business like it’s an extension of our own.”

Over the ten years Borovsky has been with the company, she’s been instrumental in developing the responsiveness and educational approach clients appreciate most.

“It was a big change for me to go from an internal-facing role like billing to interacting directly with clients,” Borovsky says. “But one thing I tackled right off the bat was breaking us out of the habit of responding just to respond. Why do that when we could proactively answer the question in the same amount of time? The next logical step beyond that was not just to answer the question, but to consider why they asked it in the first place.”

Finding the root of the problem

Borovsky explains that good client servicing means digging deeper.

“For me, it’s important to go deeper than surface level. You’re asking a question for a reason. Is it because you’re unsure of how to do this process? Are you concerned about a charge? I want to get to the root of your problem and solve it.

I answer the question you've asked and the question you haven't asked. I want you not to have to go back and forth. I want you to get the answer that you need the first time around.”

“I give clients that additional piece of knowledge that answers why they're asking the question. This practice leads to good client education because if you explain it well, they never have to ask you that question again.” – Liesel Borovsky.

Good humans at the core

Client servicing is about forming strong relationships, and relationships are all about the people and how they interact.

“I love the people we work with. It’s a joy to come to work,” says Borovsky. “As a team, we like to keep busy and be challenged. I’ve always been an overachiever in all aspects. Logistics brings a lot of change and variety, so the pace and puzzling out solutions are rewarding.

“Even more fulfilling is helping people. Even if it’s just a quote. You needed that, and I enjoyed being able to provide it to you. Getting these answers is also rewarding for our customers. That’s what we’re here for -- helping them solve their problems proactively.”

As a manager, Borovsky is a big proponent of follow-up and follow-through.

“Seeing something through to completion is key to doing any job well. If you say you're going to do something by a certain date, either you're committing to that and doing it, or you’re informing whoever you made that commitment to in advance that something has changed and you’re making a new pledge to them. I hold myself to this standard in everything I do.”

Borovsky believes that face-to-face relationship building with clients is necessary, especially in building an understanding of their unique business needs.

“Customer onsite meetings are vitally important. While I know our clients (we talk to them regularly on the phone, via email and on camera), it's very different meeting with someone in person. I learn a lot on-site. Seeing how their operations work is exciting.

But I’m the first to admit I’ve very particular about how I travel,” she laughs. “I line up everything accordingly so I can get back home to dog and cat as soon as possible because they make everything worth it. You can tell I don’t have kids!”

“We have really good people at the core. People who are not only good employees, but good humans.” – Liesel Borovsky

Stunning client communication and service

Borovsky and her team handle everything post shipment: questions once the shipment has been delivered, freight charge concerns, shipping documentation, dispute management and TMS training, setup and questions.

“We’re a big part of new client onboarding. We handle project management for when a client onboards, and that's no small feat—usually lasting minimally eight weeks. Client services aligns with the other IL2000 departments and handles the profiling of the new client in our system. In the first half of this year, we've had more new client implementations than in total some years! We’ve managed to onboard all these new clients without a hitch while maintaining our stunning client service. I'm incredibly proud of the team."

The team's known for being fast to respond and paying close attention to detail. I stress to my team that if you see something off, investigate it. We never say, 'Hey, that looks funny,' and move on."

Another big part of what the team does is deal with freight claims.

“Just as with all claims, freight claims are a headache,” confesses Borovsky. "The carrier's goal is not to pay anything on these claims. We have the knowledge and experience to read between the lines when carriers decline claims versus when they're actually asking for additional information. We simplify that process for our clients. We do all the back and forth with the carrier and keep the client informed along the way. Communicating is what we do best.”

Liesel smiles wide when she talks about connecting with her clients.

"I mean it when I say I'm here to help you and want you to contact me. I don't want you to be the one going back and forth with the carrier; that's what I'm here for."

“A lot of companies claim you can reach someone 24/7, but with IL2000, that's true. We have someone on call and a live person answering the phones around the clock. Nothing is more frustrating than when you get an automated machine and can't reach a human being. We take communication very seriously.” – Liesel Borovsky

Understanding the industry

The freight industry is complex, and understanding how to navigate the intricacies is no easy task. Borovsky sees the struggle in her clients all the time.

“The biggest challenge I see our clients facing is a need for more education around the freight industry; understanding why carriers are doing the things they're doing or billing the fees they're billing. That’s why you have us. You're not supposed to be the freight expert; we are. I think sometimes clients get frustrated or feel like they're bothering us when that's exactly what we're here for -- to educate and to assist with carriers or any questions that they have.”

Understanding the freight industry alone isn’t enough. IL2000 must know their clients’ industries inside and out.

“We really do understand our client’s industry and develop alongside them. As we onboard new clients in new industries, we immerse ourselves in and learn about them. And if our client’s business shifts, we learn that too. Our team development runs alongside the development of our clients.”

We honestly do like helping you

Borovsky and her client servicing team couple a drive to find solutions with deep industry knowledge. They share this wisdom with their clients at every opportunity, helping them understand and navigate the nuances of the freight market, even though they’ll never have to go it alone. They have IL2000 on their front line fighting for supply chain freedom. Or at least efficient freight!

“We really do like helping you. If you're not contacting us, I want you guys to email or call us. It’s what we’re here for.” – Liesel Borovsky

See how IL2000 approaches client communication by connecting with a consulting engagement executive now. 


Topics: Logistics Management, Core Values, SME (Subject Matter Expert)

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